Sunday, July 8, 2012

Heading Home

We left about 8:00 Thursday morning with the Leaches and Blanchards with Minden, Nebraska as our destination.  It was hot (still) so we headed for the restaurant's lounge for drinks and Mexican appetizers and dinner selections.  Since we were settled in for the night, all we had to do was visit.

Friday morning we all toured Harold Warp's Pioneer Village for a few hours.  The night before a restaurant employee gave us a brief talk about the museum's ghosts that were being studied by paranormal experts for a TV show.  Supposedly Building 13 was a hot spot, so Kathy Blanchard and I paid very close attention to every little creak and sound while we were there.  Nothing!  Our favorite exhibit was the old motorhome and for the ladies - the china collections.

About 10:00 we all had milkshakes and then finished our touring in the main building that was supposedly one of the cooler places.

For Larry and me, this had to be at least our third visit to the Village.  We were a little disappointed in its maintenance upkeep.  The quilts and needlework displays are stapled - a big NO NO, which greatly decreases any value the items may have.

At 11:00 we had to vacate the campground, so said a last good-bye to Carlos, Rosemary, Gene and Kathy.  They're headed for Colorado, while we took off for Cabela's in Sidney.

After spending several hours looking for and trying on walking shoes, I found a pair.  No one will miss me walking the road while I'm wearing them!

Saturday we drove from Sidney to Lyman, Wyoming, for the night.  Sunday we drove to Winnemucca.
Our AC in the trailer is out, but the fan helps somewhat.  At least it cools off at night.

Tuesday, July 3, 2012

More Pictures from Sedalia

Weekend in Sedalia

Not too much happened over the weekend.  Sunday we attended the church service in the arena and both nights' entertainments were wonderful.  The WBCCI band and choir performed Saturday night and Sunday was Canada Day and Canadian Scott Woods for the night's entertainment.

One night we went over to Carlos's and Rosemary's trailer after the entertainment for root beer floats and a pre pre Maple Leaf Caravan meeting for next year's caravan.  We're going to have a wonderful time!

Another night Leaches and Blanchards and Helwigs met us at our site and we sang Newfoundland and American folk songs.  More root beer floats as well.

Whenever  possible I'd head over to the quilt building to work on projects and visit with the other quilting addicts.  We understand each other!

The Hobby Show was yesterday and my "Les Fleurs du Jardin" quilt won a 2nd place red ribbon!  More points for Nor Cal!

The committee chairmen's luncheon was yesterday as well.  Our gift for the year was a cute little clock.

Today (July3) was our Region 12 Breakfast at the Best Western.  And, this afternoon was our last Host to Host gathering.  It was nice to reconnect once more and reflect on the friendships we've made.  Frank and Joan Anderson still have one more entire day to spend with the Mayor (Elaine Horn) and her husband - visiting Doug Peterson's dachshunds, shopping at our flea market, lunch, dinner at Frank and Joan's and then fireworks.

Most of us take off for home or caravans on Thursday.  We'll take with us many happy memories of Sedalia and her people.

The Rally and Scenes of Sedalia

Tomorrow the rally ends and we have had a wonderful time.   I'll have to summarize the highlights because we were too busy for me to post as we went along.

Wednesday, June 27, was our evening Courthouse tour given by Don Barnes.  He was paired as a host with Bob and Cecelia Stansbury and offered to give the tour to all interested Airstreamers.  Many attended and were treated to a history and art lesson of the many murals that adorned the walls of the large courtroom.  He was assisted by his lovely wife, Carol.

After the tour we walked across the street and had dinner at the Ivory Grill in the Hotel Bothwell with Gene and Kathy Blanchard.  We'd heard from many that the food was excellent and were very happy with our choices.

That afternoon Larry and I attended the food and wine pairing seminar.  It was one of the best seminars ever!  Nor Cal's Kimber Woods was the presenter and she paid very close attention to detail.  After two hours of sampling Missouri wines and the food pairings of cheesy potatoes, beef brisket, butt ends pork and a finish of lemon cake we were all happy campers!  If she does a repeat performance next year she may have to get a much larger room.

Thursday (June 28) was the Florida Treasure Coast Unit's luncheon at Colton's BBQ.  We were given a special deal of 2 meals for $12.99 and were not disappointed in the food.  Bob Vasser had now joined us for a few days' visit and we went with him.

I think Thursday night was our dinner at the Little Big Horn Cattle Company restaurant, owned by the mayor's husband, Tom Horn.  It became our Nor Cal dinner since almost all our members who were at the rally were there.  Missing were Jane and Mike Malone, who flew in from California since they are heading out on the Alaska Caravan and figured they'd be doing quite enough driving this summer.

So, Tom and Hedda, Sandy and Harold, Bob Vasser, Judith Ballard and Larry and I were the well-fed diners.

Region 3's lunch was Friday (29) in the MEC building.  Excellent food and we won a table decoration.
We sat at Dan and Maxine McIntyre's table and they also won a table decoration.