Saturday, November 1, 2008

Gone to California

The Gone To Texas Caravan officially ended last night with a delicious BBQ dinner.  The group had dwindled somewhat in number from our original 34, but Jim and Vickie returned to us on Thursday.  They were happy to be back, but had high praises for his medical care in Del Rio, so we were all glad to hear that.

Our stay in Bandera was highlighted with the trip to San Antonio.  The tour bus arrived at our RV park early on Tuesday morning and when we boarded it was a big surprise.  I didn't know limo buses even existed, but that's what it was.  Talk about riding in luxury!  Our return home had to be on a regular (but very nice) bus, but we retreated to the rear where we had a table with another two facing seats.  Should've brought the Joker board.

San Antonio was great.  After we toured The Alamo, Bob Vasser's nephew-in-law picked us up for a tour of the Market (mercado) and the older exclusive area.  He also took us to Schilo's German deli for lunch.  We then took the river boat tour through the downtown area.  My big purchase was a cowboy boot cookie cutter.

On to Ingram and our last stop.  I'd already discovered the greatest quilt shop ever while Larry was getting his tire fixed in Kerrville, so when the two other tires also needed replacing, it was a no-brainer.  Kay Cole and I left "the boys" - Bob and Larry - and quilt shopping we went, only to discover that we weren't alone.  A huge tour bus descended upon the place shortly before our arrival and it was wall-to-wall quilters shopping as quickly as they could!  They were from all over the country and headed for Quilt Market in Houston this weekend.  One woman told me that they "had" to stop and see the LBJ ranch, so that cut down on their quilt shop time.  They were very nice and even let Kay cut in line at the checkout - after our frequent phone calls from "the boys" about when we'd be picking them up!  That just meant we'd have to return another time - and we each did.

Gibson's store is an expanded hardware shore that has "everything".  I even bought a pair of shoes - in my size, no less!  Larry found some hard-to-find flashlight batteries.  

We also toured the Western Art Museum and JC Avery Jewelry company - and store.  

After one last Joker game with Kay and Bob and Jim and Vickie, and all the good-by hugs, it was time to leave this morning to begin our journey home.  Bob Vasser is traveling with us, as Elaine flew home from San Antonio this morning.  She can't handle long drives anymore.

I'll try to post some pictures before they shut down the WiFi.  This is a great connection so far.

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