Monday, October 4, 2010

Arrival in Venice

The approach and arrival into Venice is a VERY BIG DEAL. We spent two hours on the top deck with our cameras at the ready to make sure we didn't miss a thing. Italian drinks were served; Italian music was played and we anxiously anticipated the first sighting of the city of canals.

Venice is made up of approximately 40 islands, connected by many many bridges. Gondolas are one form of transportation, although a very expensive one. The group chose to take a water taxi from the ship to San Marco Square and back again. We still had much of the afternoon and the early part of evening.

Hunger made it necessary to find a restaurant, preferably one we'd all enjoy. We found one that offered pizza and decided it would work for everyone. We ate (lasagne and tiramisu for dessert) and then window shopped in the area. Their window displays are awesome!

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