Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Southwest Adventure Caravan

April 20 began our next caravan - the Southwest Adventure Caravan! Our meeting place is the Carlsbad KOA, a 10 in any RV'er's book. Very much like an oasis in the middle of the desert, although the only grassy area is set aside for the dogs.

Larry and I went into Carlsbad in the morning to search for a few trailer repair items at a hardware store. Eventually we found one and also explored their WalMart. In the afternoon we went with Chuck and Maggie to Artesia and the Lowe's they were sure they'd spotted. Well, maybe they didn't after all. Must have been another of those alien sightings so popular in the area!

Our orientation meeting was at 3:00, followed by our first Fandango (get-acquainted meeting) at 4:00 and dinner at 5:30. The BBQ dinner was put on by the campground and was delicious! After dinner we were given a tie-dye T-shirt experience.

We rubber banded our white Carlsbad RV T-shirts and then dunked in the different dye buckets. I was afraid Larry dunked a little too much and would end up with a brown blob. I was very wrong! He ended up winning first place for his retro 60's swirl design. Mine ended up looking like a bunch of flowers on a gold background.

1 comment:

Bill F said...

So as winner of the contest, should we call him "Loud Larry"?