Friday, June 3, 2011

Bryce to Torrey, UT

The big news was the horseback ride. The scenery was spectacular, as usual and we went down into the canyon we'd earlier viewed from above. It took about 3 1/2 hours. My trusty steed was Donna, a mule. Once she got the message that she was definitely going on the ride, things were fine. EXCEPT - the first half of the trip my saddle was crooked and my stirrups were too short.
It made for a most uncomfortable ride as I continually tried to adjust. After I got off, the wrangler fixed things and my ride went much more smoothly - for about 10 minutes! Then I went back to being very uncomfortable. It is now 2 days later and I still feel the pain. More Ibuprofen, I guess. Pictures will be downloaded, but it was taking too long, so I gave up. They will be coming, never fear!

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