Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Full Speed Ahead

We were now on our second of five consecutive days of shore excursions. Helsinki, Finland, and our bus trip to the countryside for sightseeing and lunch. Beautiful country for sure!

Porvoo was our first stop, a delightful village where we browsed along two streets. Larry found a local artist who was selling his wares and decided his works would be perfect souvenirs. Now I'll know whether or not the recipients ever read this blog... I loved the store that sold home items and YARN. I just drooled over it, but didn't buy. I did get a pendant and earring set in what looks like red turquoise.

Lunch was held in a converted distillery and we were not alone. Other tour buses joined us and we sat with Mary and Marlene (sisters-in-law) from Texas near Livingston. We know Airstreamers who live in Livingston. Larry and I were forgotten by the waitress and Marlene insisted she would be in charge of making sure we were served. It was the social worker in her she claimed!

Back to Helsinki and I'll have to get back into iPhoto to jog my memory as to what we did next.
We first visited the Rock Church, which was really beautiful. It was built right into the rocks in the downtown area. Lutheran, of course! Then we visited the city square and got in some more shopping before heading back to the ship for dinner.

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