Sunday, June 24, 2012

Weekend before the Rally Begins

Saturday, June 23.  Ron and Diana Bray from St. Louis came for a visit.  We bonded on our last cruise to the Panama Canal and it was just great to see them again.

We had lunch at Mighty Melts, took them out north of town to see the Bothwell Lodge, back to town for the Katy Depot and then dinner back at our trailer.  Chuck and Maggie joined us for dinner.

Ron and Diana introduced the rest of us to pork steaks, a Missouri specialty.

We also went across the road to the Swine Barn to see the sheep.  For the past week we've been observing sheep getting an extreme cleaning and were interested in seeing firsthand what exactly was going on.

First there will be a show and then an auction.  Larry was told that this place will be very crowded tomorrow with cars and people everywhere.  This must be a big deal.

After the sheep are shorn (and very attractively, too) they are given covers to wear so they don't get dirty again.

When we walk in the mornings we can always hear the bleating from the barn.  They will be sold as breeding stock and truly are beautiful animals.

After meeting Diana and Ron at Perkins Sunday morning for breakfast we said our good-byes once more and they headed back home to St. Louis.

After the church service we did laundry and then holed up for the rest of the day in the trailer with the AC going full blast.  It was a scorcher today.

1 comment:

Bill F said...

Hmm, should come to Coeur d'Alene. High 70's, nice breeze off the lake and all of three Airstreamers in the park, tho one left yesterday.