Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Hot and Humid in Madison

Since we've been here, we have: toured the Epic Center, the Capital Brewery, state capitol, Trek bicycle factory, several wonderful quilt shops (me only), Dairy Barn ice cream store, pickle factory, and other places I can't remember at the moment. Oh, yes, the Arena Cheese Factory.

We have been hugging all our old friends, made a few new ones, had Fathers' Day brunch at the Orpheum Theatre with the Electrical Crew. That was Larry's second part-time job.

Our main responsibility was the Host to Host Program. How that will turn out remains to be seen. Things just didn't fall into place in Madison the way they did in Bozeman last year. We'll have fun, no matter what, though.

The Madison people are very friendly, but the service organizations are somewhat flaky.

We've had some pretty spectacular storms and now it's their hottest day of the season so far. Ninety degree temps are rare, but we've got them. Add the humidity factor and it's a bit miserable. We mop our foreheads a lot!

The best part is getting to know our Madison Warren cousins, George and Juliaanne. There is something to be said for genetics, that's for sure! Some of the similarities are uncanny.

We'll be leaving here on July 4, heading for our Viking Trail rendezvous in St. Andrew by the Sea, New Brunswick.

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