Saturday, June 27, 2009

Madison Meanderings

It's been a little bit cooler, although windy. Tonight WAS to have been the BIG fireworks display - Rhythm and Booms, but the weather interfered. A thunderstorm is predicted and we do not want to be on the lake in George's boat if and when that happens. Plan B: tomorrow night.

So far we've hugged a few hundred of our nearest and dearest friends and probably have a few more to go.

Last night we dined with Carlos and Rosemary and they and Jim and Vickie were scheduled to go with us to George's and Juliaann's.

Our big job as Host to Host chairpeople is more or less done. We're not in Bozeman anymore.
Last year was a piece of cake compared to this year. No one in Madison wanted to step up to the plate and find matches for our people. All that work for nothing, except we did get to come in early (and hang out with George and Juliaann), we get to go to the chairmen's luncheon, Larry got a hat and bolo tie holder, and we met some really nice Airstreamers who are very understanding.

Wednesday night we went to a concert on the square (state capitol grounds) with George and Juliaann and their daughter, Megan. About 10,000 others joined us as well. It was wonderful to see everyone enjoying classical and "high pop" music together in a beautiful setting.

Madison is a beautiful city, located on an isthmus between two lakes (and surrounding those lakes). It's the third most bicycle friendly city and has lots of things to do, places to go, and people to see. We're told it's a different story in the winter, but they do their best to make up for it in the summer.

The rally officially starts tomorrow and it's pretty much downhill from then on for us. We quilters get two whole days to hang out together and sew. Works for me!

We plan to head out early on the fourth for Ohio. Our arrival date is July 8 in St. Andrew's by the Sea in New Brunswick and we don't want to miss our lobster dinner. Can't wait for our next adventure.

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