Sunday, January 1, 2012

Kauai - 2011

Right after Thanksgiving we traveled to Princeville, Kauai, with Cam and Marcia Murray. After taking separate flights to Honolulu, we met them at the airport and flew to Kauai on the same plane. Upon our arrival in Lihui, we picked up a rental car and headed to Princeville, Wyndham Resort.

We settled into our accommodations and began to make plans for our week in Paradise. One thing we decided to do was attend a luau, so decided on the one recommended by the resort for Wednesday night. The food and show were both great and we took the shuttle bus, accompanied by many others staying at our and other resorts.

Thursday night we were invited to dinner by friends of Marcia's and Cam's. They had also been on our flight and have a home very near our resort that they visit as often as possible from their main residence in Rocklin. They also had friends visiting them and we all had a great visit. Coincidentally, on the flight home we were all together again and Larry and I discovered that we had mutual acquaintances with Keith and Anita. Small World! Keith's nephew was even one of my former students!

A drive to the southern part of the island was on the agenda one day. We stopped at several beaches and even picked up a hitchhiker at one stop. She was from Delaware and seemed safe enough, so we gave her a lift. Her rental car had broken down and she didn't trust the tow truck driver. The rental car agency said that she needed to be somewhere they could easily locate her for her return trip to get another car. She thought she could see a movie while she waited, so we dropped her off and had lunch at a Shrimp Shack.

One day we had a great tour of a new botanical garden near Princeville. The highlight was chocolate sampling at the end, however the young man guiding our tour did a great job.

We checked out the World Mark Resort at Kapaa Shores and decided we'd like to stay there on a future trip. It's right on the beach - and in town - but it's not a swimming beach at all. The pool makes up for it.

Anini Beach was our Saturday highlight. Larry would not consider the trip a success unless he got to snorkel at least once. So, snorkel we did. The water wasn't really too cold once we got in, but I never made it out far enough to see more than 2 fish (and one of them was dead). Larry said he saw quite a few. Not too many beaches are good for snorkeling this time of year.

On Friday night Kapaa had an art walk event. The stores were all open. We especially loved the glass shop and Marcia and I both scored nice pendants for Christmas presents. We seem to have very similar tastes, although hers is round and mine is rectangular.

We drove inland and upward to see the waterfalls, picked up sandwiches at Safeway and Subway for our beach lunches at Lydgate Park, and just basically enjoyed the views and warm weather.

It was a really really great trip!

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