Saturday, June 26, 2010

Saturday, June 26

8:00 in the morning we took off to Devil's Tower with Bob and Elaine Vasser. The day was overcast and windy, threatening rain, but we were optimistic.

When we arrived the weather began clearing and the cloud covering lifted over the "tower" by the time we got close to it.

After a short visit to the Visitors' Center we decided to walk the trail circling the tower. I think I took pictures from every single angle!

It is a pretty awesome sight and I don't have the brochures describing the geological formations that caused it in the first place. There were hikers in various positions of assent. Are they crazy?

One story told of a man who decided to parachute down to the top of it and got stuck there for about 6 days. He had to be rescued. Hopefully, at his expense!

In the afternoon we attended the Donkey Creek Festival at the technical college. We enjoyed the jazz bands and especially the statues on display. I believe that if they're purchased they will enjoy a permanent place in the community.

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