Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Stormy Weather

It's Tuesday already?!?! Where has the time gone?

Sunday, Fathers' Day, was quite busy. After the church service we headed for the Prime Rib restaurant for brunch with the electrical-water crew. They don't have a lot to do for this rally, but keeping in touch socially is very important. The food was excellent, especially the Russian Creme for dessert. One of the desserts...

After that it was laundry time. Not a great time to go; apparently all the coal miners, etc. save Sunday for their washing needs also.

Monday was our tour of the new firehouse. VERY impressive, as is everything around here.
They sure do have nice facilities to work in around here. In the afternoon we went to the recreation center again. More and more of our friends are arriving. Carlos and Rosemary, the White twins (and wives) and the caravan leaders.

Our "Happy Hour" with the Leaches and Blanchards turned into dinner. Chips and dips and spinach triangles do not make the most nutritious of meals, but we couldn't stop talking long enough to go get some real food. We will all be together on the Yellowhead Caravan, so this is just the beginning.

Tuesday was hectic and went by quickly. Another trip to Ben Franklin where the sale is now 50% off, a visit with our Host to Host coordinator, Chris, trip to Wal Mart, Happy Hour with Viking Trail caravaners and others. And, now a very impressive lightning storm with lots of rain. We get warnings, but it still seems to materialize out of nowhere! Almost every night, too.

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