Thursday, July 23, 2009

Gros Morne National Park

We are in a beautiful national park, Gros Morne, and are scheduled for a hike and boat tour of the fjords tomorrow morning.

Tonight was a wonderful seafood platter dinner at a local motel restaurant. Tomorrow night we hear a Newfoundland band, Anchors Aweigh, with members of the caravan.

Yesterday Larry and I went ziplining with Chuck Helwig and it was awesome. The zip is only a year old (in August) and reputed to be one of the best in North America. And, I even made the first run (being so experienced and all). More lines than in Whistler and without all the step climbing. A hearty two thumbs up!

The guides even gave Maggie a ride up the mountain so she could take pictures and hike down with us. A very cool experience.

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