Sunday, July 5, 2009

Madison Memories

We left Madison early yesterday morning. I really hated to miss the flea market, but we just can't have everything!

The drive was rather uneventful, which is always a good thing. The toll roads nearly broke the bank, but there aren't many other choices.

Marion Pember recommended a campground for our first night out and we'll have to be sure to thank him for the experience. Think: 4th of July in Redneck Heaven. Plus, the GPS couldn't figure out where the place was and neither could we. Two phone calls - and a side trip into Michigan - and we were there in the far northwestern corner of Ohio. The locals sure know where the place is, that's for sure. A destination for the 4th if there ever was one!

The place we're in now is pretty similar. Heavy day use, as there's a small lake I'm facing from my picnic table (WiFi hot spot). Unfortunately, I can also smell all the BBQ's and we're having leftovers tonight. Bummer.

Our last day in Madison was spent with George and Juliaanne and their kids and grandkids. See pictures! I was amazed at how quickly they lined up for the photo op. The four of us golfed in the morning and George would be disappointed if I didn't mention that he and I had fewer strokes than our combined spouses' score. We also defeated them at Joker the previous evening.

Now we miss them all terribly - and to think we barely knew they existed all these years!

Our flat tire around noon near Cleveland didn't set us back too much time. A couple stopped to help (because they have an Airstream also) and we had a nice visit while the tire was changed.
A brief trip to Sears to have the valved stem replaced and we were again on our way.

We'll be getting into Canada early Wednesday and communication after that will be sparse. Don't feel neglected if you don't hear from us.

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