Tuesday, July 21, 2009


We arrived in Corner Brook yesterday and it was a pleasant surprise. We'd all been getting a bit depressed in Stephenville with its dreary weather and bleak surroundings.

Larry spent the afternoon replacing the kitchen faucet, which was leaking all over the place. Now we have a shiny new one that doesn't leak. And, 3 way hook-ups! Hallelulah. The last stop was in a large cement lot with only water from a fire hydrant that we had to hitch up the trailer and roll across the lot to access. No dump. No garbage cans or dumpster. No electricity. 3 long days! Plus, we had rain and WIND! The good thing was the two live shows we saw at the community center. Very good and very enjoyable.

Corner Brook is beautiful, warm, sunny, has trees and mountains. Larry wants to go ziplining tomorrow, so we'll see if it can be arranged.

WiFi is in a cute coffee shop downtown (where I am now) and at 1:30 we have a luncheon in a beautiful inn. Glen Mill Inn in a beautiful location. There are provincial parks around the area.

Thoughts of Newfoundland: Laundry is hung on clotheslines. Very charming. Newfound and Labrador combine to make one province and a very long name as well. The people are extremely friendly and helpful. We know nothing of the outside world and don't really care...

Now for some pictures for your viewing enjoyment. We plan a trip to Labrador next week for the day and another to a French Island down the road at the end of the caravan.

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