Monday, July 6, 2009

Massachusetts Somewhere

Our driving day was a good one - until it came time to find our RV park. I'd programmed the address into the GPS, but missed one important item: the correct town name. When the first address proved to be "not a campground" I did some further checking. Wrong town. I quickly reprogrammed it into the system and Larry was surprisingly calm. Even though we had to navigate the small and narrow town streets of Sturbridge, MA. And, we learned that directions to another location don't always take us on major roads. Think: narrow gravel road with bogs on each side. Garmina wasn't screaming that we were "off route", so we proceeded onward. Finally we reached our desired destination in the town of Wales and it's a beautiful location. And, it's QUIET! At last!!!!

Last night found us parked next to a pavilion where the DJ was conducting a Karaoke session that was just a bit LOUD!!!! And, I'm guessing the participants were not quite as talented as they thought they were:(

For those who are unacquainted with the toll road system in the Eastern USA, let me describe them to you.

In Indiana and Ohio we were stopping every few miles to throw more and more money at the attendants. It was getting quite ridiculous. The stops seem to be fewer and more spaced apart the further East we get. We just keep on going with no exits. But, there are service stops every so often with fuel and lots of food options. In Illinois they were located spanning the road, so that both sides could access them. Here they are on the sides of the road and it seems to us that there are more on the OTHER side than on our side. Larry is thrilled that Starbucks is one of the options at most of them. And, the DQ where we had lunch on Saturday had the very best blizzard I've had in a long time! It's a good thing, because I'm trying to limit myself to one small one per month.

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