Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Close Inspection to see how it's done

Monday was another day. Chuck and Maggie took us with them for a trip around the Irish Loop, the peninsula south of this location.

First we had to stop at the convent to see the Veiled Virgin. It's an amazing marble sculpture of the Virgin Mary and looks as if she has a veil over her face. All made with one piece of marble.
Just an awesome piece of art and it's probably priceless. It's believed to be the only one like it in the world because no one could find the other one that was supposedly like it.

Our first (and only) stop while driving the loop was at Ferryland, where we had lunch with a wonderful view of the Atlantic ocean. Larry even saw a whale jump and we saw the resulting splash. The rest of the trip was kind of bleak compared to that.

The only highlight (after Ferryland) was a little miniature village made by someone next to their house and little canal. Little houses, boats, ducks, etc. See the picture. It's really darling.

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