Thursday, September 3, 2009

Ferry to Nova Scotia

The caravan has ended and we are awaiting the ferry boarding to Nova Scotia.

Yesterday the final banquet was a fitting end to the fun and adventures we've had. We received our well-written caravan journals and Sue Wendt presented each of us with a disk of pictures. She took great pictures of our Screeching Ceremony in Port aux Choix. The facial expressions are truly priceless.

Donna Smith won the Mistress of Ceremonies title by default and did a fine job. Ted (her husband) wrote a song to the tune of I'se The B'Y using all our caravaners and their personalities.

He had to cut it down considerably from its original length, but when accompanied by Larry on his guitar it was an admirable performance. The whole group was wary of a performance by Ted and his Ugly Stick, but Larry explained that Donna would slap her hand down on her thigh and then Ted would thump his Ugly Stick when she did that. It worked. To the surprise and delight of everyone, Ted demonstrated a bit of - RHYTHM!

We will miss everyone terribly, but most will reunite at some point down the road.

As an extra added bonus, last night we were paid a visit by the couple of Ed and Kelli. Kelli works at Staples and met Carol Helm when she went there last week to inquire about copying the caravan journal. Kelli became an instant friend (like so many have done here) and she and husband, Ed, made a visit to our campground when we all arrived, bringing 25 lbs. of mussels to share. Ed collected two baseball caps from Larry W. and Sid and Sally and was ecstatic.

So, last night while Sid and Sally and Larry and I were playing our last caravan games of Joker in Carol and Charlie's motorhome, Ed and Kelli showed up with CD's of 20 favorite songs - for everyone on our caravan! They didn't have time to burn the last 4, so over we went to Dennis's and Karen's trailer. Of course, Dennis could come to the rescue - as he always can. We now all have another wonderful souvenir and memory - and two more lifelong friends.

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