Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Homeward Bound

The caravan is over. The ferry ride was smooth and we all gathered together in a comfortable area for the journey, bonded by our experiences and love of travel and adventure.

There were a few humorous moments. Tales of gloom and doom and rough seas had run amuk and many of our group weren't taking chances with their comfort. Cabins and comfortable chairs were rented with the hope and expectation that a good night's sleep would be the result.

Sometime later in the evening, Gracie and Al led us to an upper deck where they said we'd have more darkness and quiet - and the seats were free! I took my fleece blanket, Larry had his quilted flannel jacket - and up we went. It took some time to find comfortable positions, but we managed to doze from time to time. However, I did notice some of our buddies were seated (and laying) in rows near ours. They had paid. We did not. Were we in the wrong section? Were we going to be booted back downstairs? Nope.

The group did go to their assigned stations and attempted to get some sleep, however a man sleeping nearby was snoring so loudly, they all had to escape to the unpaid section so they could get some peace and quiet - and maybe sleep. The man's identity will have to remain a secret to protect him from further humiliation. What happens on the caravan, stays on the caravan!

After a day and night in North Sydney, Nova Scotia, 5 couples spent a few more days in Prince Edward Island - the Warrens, Murrays, Larry and Martha Jones, Chuck and Maggie Helwig, and Carol and Charlie Helm. The weather and scenery were perfect and our last night's dinner at Fisherman's Wharf was a fitting end to a wonderful trip.

Today we accompanied Chuck and Maggie to Center Harbor, New Hampshire - AND - Keepsake Quilting!!!! Maggie and I had a great time shopping there, after which we said our good-byes.
Until next year and Gillette, Wyoming, where we'll reunite and have a grand reunion party of the Viking Trail Caravan of 2009.

On a sad note, Larry's dad passed away last Thursday. We knew when we left in June that it would be a possibility that we wouldn't see him again, but chose to think positively (although we did say good-bye twice, just in case...). His life had many blessings and we know without a doubt that he's now in Heaven with Margaret and Steve and Tim. We loved him dearly and will miss him terribly.

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