Tuesday, September 1, 2009

St. Johns Continued

Now it's Monday night. The other caravan is in and we talked to several of them. They'll be leaving the island 2 days after we do, so don't have as much time here as we've had. Although, they'll probably have better weather.

Bev and Bill Mantell were headed for Dairy Queen when we talked to them. A DQ! I haven't seen one of those since Corner Brook - and we didn't even go there. I still hadn't had my Bilzzard for August, so off we four went. Took awhile to find the place, but we were determined. Chocolate ones of varying recipes all around! Worth the wait!

Tuesday - left early with - who else but Maggie and Chuck for the downtown area. We shopped around for several hours and then made our way to Quidi Vidi and the Brewery Tour.

After that, it was off to Costco again and then Dominion for some groceries. We've been eating as much of our fresh fruits and veggies as possible to avoid problems at the border. They're pretty expensive up here, anyway. Takes the fun out of shopping, that's for sure.

Tomorrow is our final banquet and Larry is helping Ted by accompanying him. Yes, Ted wrote a song. The rest of us wrote on a recipe card about our favorite part of the caravan. Ted wrote something like an 8 verse song! What he lacks in rhythm, he more than makes up for with enthusiasm. Whatever are we going to do without our new best friends and neighbors????

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