Monday, August 16, 2010

Back from Juneau and Sitka

While I have decent WiFi (temporary, I'm sure) I'll try to post some dialogue to accompany the pictures.

The ferry trips to and from Alaska were great. We were on the Marine Highway and it was especially fun to watch our boats navigate "the Narrows" much like skiing a downhill slalom.
Rosemary informed us that we had to keep the red lights to the left and green lights to the right as we made our way through the water at high tides. Most of the trip took place on Saturday, August 14 (Happy Birthday, Roxy) and the day was perfect. Blue skies and sunshine. And - warm!
Sunday was hazy - due to forest fires in Alaska, we learned.

During several of the stops we were able to get off and see something of the towns. In Petersburg we walked for as much time as we could and then turned back. The walk felt good!

Ketchikan was a long stop, but it was between the hours of 12:00 and 7:30 A.M. We slept through it.

While in Juneau, we took a cruise out to the Tracy Arm Fjord to see some fabulous glaciers and icebergs. Mendenhall paled in comparison the next day, but we did see bears there.

Other destinations in Juneau were the Paradise Bakery and Twisted Fish Restaurant. The weather was drizzly and chilly - similar to four years ago.

The trip to Sitka was a shorter one. While on the ferry we met the daughter of a former colleague of mine. Karen Laquaglia, the daughter of Nicolai Laquaglia, who taught student government and social studies at McClatchy. Those name badges with our home areas listed are good for something after all! Karen looks forward to her retirement from the Alaska Ferries.

In Sitka we were separated into two groups and stayed at separate hotels. Ours may not have been the fancier one, but we got breakfast included - and we were definitely the more healthy group. Cal Meuser and Bill Miller had to be hospitalized for dehydration and Joanne Miller fell and broke her wrist. Joanne had to fly home to Texas and Bill will continue with us for the rest of the way. That was a nasty virus that made its way around! No new cases lately, fortunately.

We had a gorgeous day in Sitka to see the sights and sites. It was the first sun we'd seen in a very long time and we thoroughly enjoyed it. We had a bus trip to the Tklinget Heritage Center to see them dance - and a visit to the national park's totem poles and another to the Birds of Prey rehabilitation center. Larry and I had visited the Bishop's House in the morning - and also found time to see the Russian Heritage Dancers. Thirty women comprise the troupe and they were most enjoyable.

Larry, George, Carlos and Gene all went fishing our last day in Sitka - and were very successful.
We now have lots of fish in our freezers and will dispense with some of it tonight (Monday) with a caravan fish fry.

More in a bit after I make sure this gets saved.

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