Sunday, August 1, 2010

Hyder,AK and Stewart,BC

Our four days in Hyder, AK, began Thursday with the drive. Our first stop was Smithers, where we found a bakery and many other shopportunities. I got some yarn at the Singer sewing store and a small cookbook by my favorite Canadian cookbook authors.

The Visitors' Centre at the Hazeltons was our lunchtime stop and we all got hamburgers from the stand set up right there.

The first time visitors to the area of Stewart and Hyder are amazed by the scenery. Since the sun was shining, it looked much better to us than four years ago as well.

Our first night's dinner was at Sealaska Inn where we all had halibut dinners. It was very fresh and very delicious. Everything in Hyder is pretty much within walking distance from our campground, Camp Run-A-Muck. After dinner we drove out to see if we could spot some bears at Fish Creek.

First to appear was a black bear and then Monica arrived to perform for us. Monica was so named years ago during the presidential scandal. Monica and her mate, Bill, were often seen publicly displaying their "affection" and she had quadruplets as a result. That is a rarity for bears. Monica was alone this time as she fished in the river below us.

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