Sunday, August 1, 2010

Hyder,AK and Stewart,BC continued

Our second day in Hyder was spent visiting Salmon Glacier, twenty some miles up the road. We took Gene and Kathy Blanchard with us and waited patiently for Carlos and Rosemary, who were driving Marilyn, Carolyn and Mike with them. Eventually they reached us with the explanation that they'd stopped for many photo opportunities.

Lunch outside was not an option, so we ate inside the truck. I've never seen so many hungry mosquitoes in my life! We took our time driving around the glacial area, but Carlos, Carolyn and Mike decided to hike to (and into) the glacier at the mine site. Carolyn's pictures are spectacular!

Saturday was more relaxing, starting with a waffle breakfast as cooked by George Scott. We then decided to check out Stewart, where we washed the truck and visited souvenir shops and their local museum. Also the boardwalk in back of the visitors' centre.

Back at the campground we decided to eat our dinner at the bus "restaurant" but a scouting by Carolyn and Mike determined that it was closed because of too many customers. At lunchtime they spotted a sign there that declared: "Closed for Lunch". That's pretty much how it is here.
We then decided to go back to Stewart for dinner and all eight of us had salmon dinners. We all had very clean plates!

A woman in the souvenir shop said the recent census poll counted 64 residents of Hyder. At the border crossing into Canada we are stopped and questioned. Coming into Hyder, it's an unattended thruway. The road dead ends, so I guess they figure no one can get away permanently. Eventually they'll have to go back to Canada.

Sunday is a restful day for most. Tonight is our cookout duty, but so far we've not been told what to do for it. Clouds are coming in, so we'll find out if anything materializes from that.
Tomorrow we head back the way we came for Kitwanga, where we've also been before on our Alyeska caravan.

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