Tuesday, August 24, 2010

A Day In Barkerville

The caravaners spent today in Barkerville. On the way there most of us spotted a bear along side the road, which was a great way to start out!

Once there we took a guided tour of the town and then scattered in different directions so we'd all be sure to see and do everything we could.

Our first attraction was the stage coach ride. We piled on and in - Larry up top and me inside. I'd planned to go up top, but quickly changed my mind when I found out how I'd have to get there!

After the riders were all safely disembarked, we took off down the street - shopping a bit along the way before we got to the Chinese restaurant. We'd eaten there during our visit four years ago and it's still as good today as it was then. The six at our table split 5 entrees chosen by the proprietor and it was indeed delicious!

More shopping (I didn't buy a thing) and it was time for the theatre performance. A good time was had by all!

After that, we made our way back toward the entrance for our gold panning experience. We got about 4 specks each, but the lesson in how to do it was great. Now we can really tackle our seasonal creek when we get home.

Back at the campground, we saw the local dragon boat ladies take off from the pier in rhythm to their new drum. When they began the lake was smooth as glass. The rain began about halfway through their workout while we were enjoying our ice cream sundaes before the drivers' meeting. It is now raining in earnest. Good news for the forest fires, though.

Tomorrow we're on the parking crew for Kamloops and leave at 7:00 A.M.

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