Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Gillette to Regina

The Caravan has begun. However, we had a few adventures on our way that must be mentioned first.

Since Medora, North Dakota, is an interesting tourist attraction - and located about halfway between Gillette and Regina, several of us decided to spend two days there.

The first night we chose to partake of the Pitchfork Fondue Dinner and then head over to the Medora Musical performance. We were joined by Carlos and Rosemary, Gene and Kathy Blanchard, George Scott and Marilyn Curtis and Cal and Peggy Meuser. Excellent dinner and excellent entertainment, especially the comedian.

Yesterday we toured Theodore Roosevelt National Park. The guys (Larry, Gene and Carlos) took a LONG hike guided by a ranger, but the ladies chose to shop instead. We also had lunch and then all met for ice cream.

By this time Larry wasn't feeling well, so spent the rest of the afternoon sleeping. We had to get on the road early this morning because of the supposed time change. It didn't - because Canada doesn't "do" Daylight Savings. We're so far north up here, there's no need to.

The trip to Regina was beautiful. I talked everyone into taking the Montana route so I could take a trip down "Memory Lane". The highway more or less bypassed Glendive, but in Sidney we drove right by our old house and it looked totally different. Everything is greener than I have probably ever seen it because they've had lots and lots of rain.

We arrived in our campground around 1:30 and had the orientation meeting about 2 hours later. We then went back to get ready for our campground "Pitchfork Fondue Dinner" - an almost identical duplication of our Monday night's meal. However, the weather had other ideas. The sky opened up and POURED! It did let up long enough for us to grab dinner and then take them back to our rigs to consume. We also managed to squeeze in our laundry and a trip to Safeway. We're back in civilization again. There is even a Costco nearby. HOORAY!

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