Sunday, July 25, 2010

Prince George

After a very long and adventurous driving day, we made it to Prince George. The traveling companions of Blanchard, Leach, Beardshear-Zimmerman and Warrens decided to do a little hiking to waterfalls along the way.

We started off at 8:30 and shortly thereafter spotted two elk alongside the road. Did they ever have antlers! A short time later we saw a black bear hightailing it across the road.

The Canadian Rockies are huge and spectacular. We've left the canola fields behind and traded for the huge mountains.

Our lunch stop in McBride was great. Inside the old railroad station was a cafe with everything homemade. We all got soup, sandwiches and pie for dessert. My varieties were: meatloaf sandwich, crab and asparagus soup and half of Larry's pecan pie!

Then on to the campground. We discovered we are not among the chosen few to receive WiFi, but then we do have sewer. Larry says he'd rather have WiFi. Luckily, Edgar and Kathy Simmons have donated their motorhome's very good connection to our cause. In return, I'm getting Edgar all fixed up with his very own blog.

Dinner at the Bon Voyage Restaurant last night was a buffet, one of the best we've ever had! The young Asian cook was very proud, as he should be! After that, about 12 of us headed out to a community center where a fiddling contest was being held. We were able to get in on the very end and it was very enjoyable. We seem to get recognized as strangers wherever we go and introductions to the entire crowd are always made. So much for anonymity.

This morning we headed to a Presbyterian church with Edgar and Kathy - soon to be joined by Mary and Chuck Banker. Chuck is retired from his NFL job and is Larry's hero! Mary is our resident photographer. If she doesn't have a picture of a site or event, it's not worth taking.

The church was not as well-attended as our at home, and of course we were singled out as guests. And, made to feel VERY welcome.

This afternoon was time for laundry. The gang always seems to end up at the same laundromats and we've made some very good friends that way. Those dryers sure seem to be shrinking my clothes, though. I may never want to wear them again, anyway.

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