Friday, July 16, 2010

Prince Albert

Our next destination was Prince Albert, where we stayed at the Exhibition Grounds. Fortunately the RV park backed up to a shopping mall, so we were thrilled. Tim Horton, Wal Mart, Sobey's, and on and on.

Wednesday most of us took off for the Prince Albert National Park, about an hour north of town.
The Blanchards went with us for the day and Rosemary and Carlos tried to fish. Before that, we checked out the Farmers' Market and bought lettuce, tomatoes, potatoes, honey and fresh bread.

The bugs were fierce, but we were armed with spray and took a very nice hike along the lake. As we left the park, our one and only wildlife sighting was a black bear.

Thursday was Free Day and nearly everyone went to the laundromat in the morning. Afternoon was set aside for truck and trailer washings, a trip to DQ and later in the evening - a great dinner at Amy's on Second with Leaches, Blockers and Blanchards.

A driving day on Friday to Lloydminster on the border of Alberta and Saskachewan. Right after we arrived the sky let loose with rain and hail. But, we were undeterred. There is a fair taking place this weekend, so the six of us squeezed into our truck and off we went. The rains did indeed prevent most of the activities we'd hoped for, but we still got a grease-laden dinner of fish and chips, saw the draft horses, a petting zoo, a "Birds of Prey" show and a young female singer whose songs all sounded the same.

Tomorrow we tour the Heritage Cultural Centre in the morning and have a cookout for dinner.

Sunday it's on to Edmonton.

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