Monday, July 12, 2010

Saskatoon, SK

The Merry Wives of Windsor was attended by: Leaches, Bacons, Blanchards and Warrens on Sunday night. It was a great show and most of us agreed that the actor who portrayed Falstaff was by far the best!

Before the performance we had a picnic across the street from the theatre area and watched a hot air balloon getting filled with hot air. It eventually rose, after getting rid of about half its original passengers. We never did find out where it went because we had to get to the play right after it achieved liftoff.

The play was fast paced and very humorous. We really had to pay attention to get the full effect.

On our way home we saw an interesting sight - a large number of baby skunks crossing the road! They were very cute.

Monday - We took off early to find someone who could fix the power steering malfunction in the truck. Finally success at the Chevy dealership. Carlos picked us up and not more than three hours later it was ready. We then headed for the Berry Barn - and lunch. It was delicious and we all had some form of Saskatoon Berry Pie for dessert.

The girls (Kathy, Kathy and Rosemary) then left the guys to fend for themselves and took off for some shopping. Kathy and Rosemary are still searching for small memento gifts for the birthday people of the caravan. Some success at the Superstore, but we enjoyed looking at the Canadian craft/gift stores.

Tomorrow we head for Prince Albert and the national park.

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