Thursday, July 22, 2010

The Road to Jasper

It's been a few days since we had decent WiFi. Hopefully, I can remember everything.

After Lloydminster we headed to Edmonton, Alberta's largest city. Our campground was located in Devon, just south of Edmonton. Right on the river in a beautiful location.

The city bus tour took place on Monday - in the rain. Plan B was that we see the city from the bus and then tour the Alberta Museum. We scrambled to see everything, plus eat lunch there at the same time. A young mother of 3 boys sat at our table and highly recommended the Ft. Edmonton Park for our next day's outing. We took her advice.

After Ft. Edmonton Park we returned home and went back to Edmonton to an Italian restaurant so we could celebrate Gene Blanchard's 63rd birthday. Delicious dinners for all.
The wine was good, also.

We left with the parkers on Wednesday to Jasper. The campground handed out all the site assignments, so we found ourselves without parking jobs! Oh, Well.... Larry felt sorry for Lyle and helped anyway. After everyone was in, we headed for Judy Erb's site for a large happy hour - or hours, as was the case.

Thursday was our trip to Maligne Lake and a boat tour. It was rainy and cloudy, but a very nice ride. After that, we had lunch at their restaurant-gift shop and then headed for Maligne Canyon. The parking lot was large and the first bridge was a short walk away. So, we then went to the 2nd bridge and its vantage point. And, the 3rd, 4th, 5th, 6th, 7th! By now we were far away from the parking lot, but the scenery rewarded our efforts. Spectacular! Our fellow hikers had all fallen off the trail by now - except for Gene and Kathy. We all took the horse trail back and found it to be a much more comfortable walk without all those steps.

Tomorrow will be our trip up the tram to the top of the mountain. I've already checked out the town's quilt shop and it's a very nice one, but alas - the pricing is still Canadian! I'll wait until we get to Alaska!

Saturday it's on to Prince George (where we stayed twice on our Alaska caravan). Two more stops after that is Larry's favorite - the bears hang out in Hyder, Alaska!

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