Saturday, February 26, 2011

Blast Off

Thursday, Feb. 24, was the Space Shuttle Discovery's launch of its final mission. Since we were not far away, the Nor Cal people plus Beth and Bill Ferry decided to make a supreme effort to see it.

We took off from Lazy Days in the morning and made it to the Land Yacht Harbor in Melbourne with plenty of time to hook up and depart for the beach. Upon our arrival we received the royal welcome from the residents. New Airstream Blood!!!! We had more help than we could handle and really hated having to tell them that we were only staying for one night. There wasn't much time to go around and visit our many friends who live there, but we did see Tom and Penny Angelini and Kathy Bacon.

Beth and Bill went with us to search for a good viewing site up north toward the shuttle launch on the beach. We ended up in Cocoa Beach and decided to park when the traffic started to thicken.

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Tampa Bay Cruise, Ybor City State Park

A Day at the Amusement Park

Snapshots of Tampa

Toasty in Tampa

We arrived at the RV park near Tampa (Seffner) with the parking crew on Monday. My big job was to check off the arrivals and as soon as most of them were in we headed for Costco with Jim and Martha Walmer. We picked out a nice pre-made pepperoni pizza for the night's dinner - and the next and the next and the next!

I would be remiss if I didn't describe the RV park. It's a mini city, sort of. Within walking distance from our site (on a cul de sac, no less) we have Camping World, Flying J, Crackerbarrel Restaurant and a very large motorhome sales company. Both the motorhomes and the company are LARGE. We get a complimentary breakfast and lunch daily (although we aren't around to take advantage of the lunches). We do walk to breakfast - and it is a bit of a hike, but we all need it at this point! They even give driving lessons to the new owners of their motorhomes. That is a very good thing! I suppose they'd even give them to us if we were so inclined to get them.

Tuesday was our day to attend Busch Gardens. We ran around all day trying to do and see it all. Animals, birds, shows, and Larry's favorite - the roller coasters! By day's end, we were exhausted.

Wednesday (today) was our cruise of Tampa Bay on the Star Ship II. We had a section of the boat to ourselves and were treated royally. Lunch was gourmet and delicious. Bottomless glasses of iced tea, green salad with feta cheese, stuffed chicken breast with Yukon gold potatoes and blue cheese and broccolini. And, for dessert, little cups of chocolate or white chocolate mousse. Scrumptious.

But, before all that, we went with Bill and Beth to the YBor City State Museum and Park. It's where they used to make cigars and our tour was very enjoyable. Larry met a man who had his Model A Town Sedan on display - just like ours! The man is also the maker of the world's longest cigar, an accomplishment for sure. We were told about life back in the day when they had several social clubs that were also their form of HMO's.

Sunday, February 20, 2011

Trip to Anna Maria Key

Rally Highlights

We packed as much as possible into our last few days at the rally. Saturday morning was the very popular flea market. Many vendors set up their tables to sell their wares and others do it as an excuse to get early buying privileges. This time it didn't matter because they let everyone in early.

Since it's so well-attended, it's also a great opportunity to see and visit with just about everyone. I bought a pair of palm tree earrings, three books (two of which I discovered later I'd already read) and an Airstream birdhouse. Somehow that birdhouse became very appealing when I discovered it was the last one left - and only $20.00. I begged Larry for the money to buy it and he told me it would be my birthday present. What a big spender he is! I went back to the table just as Jack and Sherry White walked up to the very same birdhouse. I saw Jack's eyes focus on the birdhouse and his hand reached out to inspect it, but I was quicker. He was crushed, but Sherry bought him another Airstream - a painted rock shaped like a bullet, but made to resemble an Airstream. As an added bonus, she also bought a very cute painted cat rock.

Once we got all our treasures back to the trailer, it was time for more sightseeing and shopping. Sarasota is known for having very rich winter residents and their consignment stores are well-known. Mike and Jane were more than willing to accompany us, so downtown we went. After an hour of searching, we gave up the search and headed for the beach areas for lunch.

Rotten Ralph's is located in Anna Maria key and we all devoured the fish and chips - all we could eat. Delicious! Larry was in such a good mood that he even stopped at a great quilt shop for me on the way back.

Going to the Circus with Poasts and Donna Smith

Friday, February 18, 2011

Florida State Rally

We made it to Sarasota Monday afternoon. Registered, saw many friends, went to diner at Yoder's with Cam and Marcia to celebrate Valentine's Day. The line was way out the door, but we were told in the gift shop that it's normal for a Monday night. Food was outstanding!

Tuesday we decided to see the Ringling Museum: Circus Museum, Art Gallery, Ringling Home, Mabel's Rose Garden, etc. Elaine and Bob went with us and we met Bill and Beth Ferry there. Wonderful experience! We'd also gone downtown with Bill and Beth in the morning to walk around the original Sarasota downtown area. This is a beautiful place and the weather is warming up.

Tuesday night was opening ceremonies: short and sweet, thank goodness. After that we played Joker, I believe. Lunch was with the Big Bend Unit. We decided to join them as affiliates.

Wednesday we had lunch at Papa Nick's Italian Restaurant with the Florida Treasure people and sat with Gene and Sandy Poast in the overflow room. We also decided to attend the circus that night with Gene and Sandy - and Donna Smith, since Ted had to do his volunteer stint as Fire and Safety Marshal. The circus was wonderful and we all can't stop talking about it!

Thursday: Lunch with Big Bend Unit at the Heritage (Amish) Restaurant. We took Jane Malone with us and Mike had to stay back and await a serviceman for the trailer. He did finish in time for us to head down to the waterfront area and take the cruise. Beth and Bill joined us there. There are sure a lot of very rich people who "winter" here! The houses are spectacular.
We went with Ed and Charlotte Curran, Gene and Sandy, Charlie and Carol Helm and Blair Littlejohn for dinner at Lingo Lodge in Bradenton, just north of Sarasota. The Lodge is well-known as a very unusual place. Weird, one magazine article calls it. They have "stuff" all over the walls and ceilings. Good food when we finally got it. I had fried catfish and hush puppies.
Delicious, but overfried.

Friday: Took off at 7:00 with Elaine V. and Pat Herzing for a walk around the grounds. Larry had new Fantastic Fan covers installed and went to several seminars. I went to the Hobby Show and saw that Marcia Murray had won a 1st place ribbon for her gourds. Susan Booker also won a 1st and 2nd for her quilts.

Alachua to Sarasota

Our last day in Alachua was eventful. We awoke to the usual freezing temps. What else is new??? Larry and I had cookout duties, so stayed around the RV park most of the day. We set the bar high if we do say so ourselves.

Unfortunately, one of the RV park residents did not fare so well. He was living in the park while working at a nearby job. When he didn't appear for work or answer phone calls, his boss became concerned. He was found dead in bed. 47 years old. In FL the coroner has to come and declare a person to be deceased, so there were emergency vehicles all over the place.

Cookout in Alachua + Unplanned "Departure"

Sunday, February 13, 2011

Dudley Farm and Miconopy for Lunch

Saturday was the caravan's day to tour Dudley Farm State Historical Park in Newberry. We toured the many buildings that once were part of the large family farm.

After the tour we headed for Miconopy and the Farm House for lunch. It is also a historic building - and crowded with antiques and hungry customers. Cam and Marcia were our passengers for the day - giving us another chance to get it right. Cam did bring his phone along as a backup, however.

Many antique shops lined the street and we did a lot of browsing, but no one bought anything.

Back at the RV park, the "cookout ladies" headed for Hitchcock's Grocery and Pharmacy to get our supplies for Sunday night's cookout - salad, lasagna, French bread and dessert.

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Watch Out for Alligators and the Bald Eagle

Tallahassee - Day 3

Our last day in Tallahassee began with breakfast cooked by some of the local Big Bend unit. They made us a huge batch of oatmeal topped by vanilla ice cream - and fresh fruit platters. It was especially welcome since the temperature was still very very cold.

After we ate our delicious breakfasts, we took off with Bob and Elaine for the Waksulla Spring State Park and Lodge. The lodge was beautiful and we had a delicious lunch of navy bean soup and grilled chicken sandwiches before heading out on the boat ride to see the birds and critters.

We didn't mind the cold too much since there was so much wildlife to view. We saw many varieties of birds, alligators, a raccoon, and manatees.

After the ride was over, we headed for St. Mark's National Wildlife Refuge where we saw a lighthouse and bald eagle.

A trip to Costco ended the afternoon, as well as a trip to Winn-Dixie. Tomorrow we drive to Alachua.

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Florida Fantasy

The caravan has begun. This afternoon we had our first meeting as a group and were joined by Winston and Carol Montague and Jay and Elna Thompson, who live in Tallahassee. They will be our caravan leaders for the SouthWest Adventure Caravan right after we finish this one.

This morning Larry and I took off for Starbucks, Ace Hardware, Dollar Store, Bradley's Country Store (where we bought Moon Pies and some Pecan Syrup). We then headed for Havana, which was pretty much closed for the first two days of the week. Maybe we'll go back tomorrow.

Tonight's opening dinner was very nice - at the Golden Eagle Country Club. We were joined by the previously mentioned couples plus John Thompson and Jim and Sheila Skipper. They gave us a great overview of the area after dinner and plan to serve us breakfast on Thursday.

Monday, February 7, 2011

Florida Fantasy

We made it into Tallahassee yesterday afternoon after traveling in sunshine the entire way from Pensacola. Since we are now in the Eastern time zone, the Super Bowl was on TV at 6:30. Larry had invited Bob Vasser to join us - and he did, but an hour late!

Back in Pensacola we toured the Naval Air Museum - and ran into Sherry and Jack White while eating our lunches in the cafe!

Larry went to Mobile, AL, with John and Elain White to tour the battleship, while I went shopping with Jane Malone on Saturday. Then it was off to Crackerbarrel to help Elain celebrate her birthday.

The weather is the big news everywhere. We are finally thawing out a bit, although today is rain, rain, rain. The folks back home like to point out that they are having warm and sunny weather. That's supposed to be us!

Tomorrow the caravan begins - and Airstreams are continuing to arrive.