Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Florida Fantasy

The caravan has begun. This afternoon we had our first meeting as a group and were joined by Winston and Carol Montague and Jay and Elna Thompson, who live in Tallahassee. They will be our caravan leaders for the SouthWest Adventure Caravan right after we finish this one.

This morning Larry and I took off for Starbucks, Ace Hardware, Dollar Store, Bradley's Country Store (where we bought Moon Pies and some Pecan Syrup). We then headed for Havana, which was pretty much closed for the first two days of the week. Maybe we'll go back tomorrow.

Tonight's opening dinner was very nice - at the Golden Eagle Country Club. We were joined by the previously mentioned couples plus John Thompson and Jim and Sheila Skipper. They gave us a great overview of the area after dinner and plan to serve us breakfast on Thursday.

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