Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Toasty in Tampa

We arrived at the RV park near Tampa (Seffner) with the parking crew on Monday. My big job was to check off the arrivals and as soon as most of them were in we headed for Costco with Jim and Martha Walmer. We picked out a nice pre-made pepperoni pizza for the night's dinner - and the next and the next and the next!

I would be remiss if I didn't describe the RV park. It's a mini city, sort of. Within walking distance from our site (on a cul de sac, no less) we have Camping World, Flying J, Crackerbarrel Restaurant and a very large motorhome sales company. Both the motorhomes and the company are LARGE. We get a complimentary breakfast and lunch daily (although we aren't around to take advantage of the lunches). We do walk to breakfast - and it is a bit of a hike, but we all need it at this point! They even give driving lessons to the new owners of their motorhomes. That is a very good thing! I suppose they'd even give them to us if we were so inclined to get them.

Tuesday was our day to attend Busch Gardens. We ran around all day trying to do and see it all. Animals, birds, shows, and Larry's favorite - the roller coasters! By day's end, we were exhausted.

Wednesday (today) was our cruise of Tampa Bay on the Star Ship II. We had a section of the boat to ourselves and were treated royally. Lunch was gourmet and delicious. Bottomless glasses of iced tea, green salad with feta cheese, stuffed chicken breast with Yukon gold potatoes and blue cheese and broccolini. And, for dessert, little cups of chocolate or white chocolate mousse. Scrumptious.

But, before all that, we went with Bill and Beth to the YBor City State Museum and Park. It's where they used to make cigars and our tour was very enjoyable. Larry met a man who had his Model A Town Sedan on display - just like ours! The man is also the maker of the world's longest cigar, an accomplishment for sure. We were told about life back in the day when they had several social clubs that were also their form of HMO's.

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