Friday, February 18, 2011

Florida State Rally

We made it to Sarasota Monday afternoon. Registered, saw many friends, went to diner at Yoder's with Cam and Marcia to celebrate Valentine's Day. The line was way out the door, but we were told in the gift shop that it's normal for a Monday night. Food was outstanding!

Tuesday we decided to see the Ringling Museum: Circus Museum, Art Gallery, Ringling Home, Mabel's Rose Garden, etc. Elaine and Bob went with us and we met Bill and Beth Ferry there. Wonderful experience! We'd also gone downtown with Bill and Beth in the morning to walk around the original Sarasota downtown area. This is a beautiful place and the weather is warming up.

Tuesday night was opening ceremonies: short and sweet, thank goodness. After that we played Joker, I believe. Lunch was with the Big Bend Unit. We decided to join them as affiliates.

Wednesday we had lunch at Papa Nick's Italian Restaurant with the Florida Treasure people and sat with Gene and Sandy Poast in the overflow room. We also decided to attend the circus that night with Gene and Sandy - and Donna Smith, since Ted had to do his volunteer stint as Fire and Safety Marshal. The circus was wonderful and we all can't stop talking about it!

Thursday: Lunch with Big Bend Unit at the Heritage (Amish) Restaurant. We took Jane Malone with us and Mike had to stay back and await a serviceman for the trailer. He did finish in time for us to head down to the waterfront area and take the cruise. Beth and Bill joined us there. There are sure a lot of very rich people who "winter" here! The houses are spectacular.
We went with Ed and Charlotte Curran, Gene and Sandy, Charlie and Carol Helm and Blair Littlejohn for dinner at Lingo Lodge in Bradenton, just north of Sarasota. The Lodge is well-known as a very unusual place. Weird, one magazine article calls it. They have "stuff" all over the walls and ceilings. Good food when we finally got it. I had fried catfish and hush puppies.
Delicious, but overfried.

Friday: Took off at 7:00 with Elaine V. and Pat Herzing for a walk around the grounds. Larry had new Fantastic Fan covers installed and went to several seminars. I went to the Hobby Show and saw that Marcia Murray had won a 1st place ribbon for her gourds. Susan Booker also won a 1st and 2nd for her quilts.

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