Monday, February 7, 2011

Florida Fantasy

We made it into Tallahassee yesterday afternoon after traveling in sunshine the entire way from Pensacola. Since we are now in the Eastern time zone, the Super Bowl was on TV at 6:30. Larry had invited Bob Vasser to join us - and he did, but an hour late!

Back in Pensacola we toured the Naval Air Museum - and ran into Sherry and Jack White while eating our lunches in the cafe!

Larry went to Mobile, AL, with John and Elain White to tour the battleship, while I went shopping with Jane Malone on Saturday. Then it was off to Crackerbarrel to help Elain celebrate her birthday.

The weather is the big news everywhere. We are finally thawing out a bit, although today is rain, rain, rain. The folks back home like to point out that they are having warm and sunny weather. That's supposed to be us!

Tomorrow the caravan begins - and Airstreams are continuing to arrive.

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