Thursday, March 10, 2011

If It's Tuesday, It Must Be EPCOT

The bus to Epcot picked us up a bit later than our 8:00 A.M. gathering time, but we weren't too late in getting to the park. Ken Stirneman had thoroughly briefed us on Sunday night as to what to see and do and how to accomplish all of it - with only one day in which to do it. Does that make any sense at all? Ken is a Cast Member at Epcot and has been for the past 10 years. He says they make up for the minimum wage salaries by giving the employees lots of perks - and calling them Cast Members! One perk was that he was able to get us a very good deal.

The last (and only) time we were at Epcot was nearly 26 years ago, but we stilled recognized the place. New experiences have been added and we were advised to visit them first. SO, with that in mind, we raced our way to Soarin' . It was like flying home in a hang glider over the Golden Gate Bridge, redwood forest, Yosemite, Tahoe, Anza Borrego, San Diego, etc. We got a "Fast Pass" and rode it again two hours later.

We then raced off to Test Track, which simulated test drives done on cars to make them safe.
By now we were getting the hang of things and figured out quickly that "singles" got on the rides more quickly than couples or groups. It became, "Larry Who?" Elaine Vasser ended up in front of me and Larry and Bob were off elsewhere.

The Space Mission experience was next. Larry took the Orange Ride and I opted for the Green Ride because I do not like G-Forces! Sorry, Kennedy Space Center. This was a far superior ride! To Mars!!!! I was the pilot and navigator on this ride, since Elaine chickened out at the last minute. If only they hadn't kept asking over and over and over if anyone had the least tiny apprehension about small spaces, dark spaces, motion sickness, etc. It was enough to scare anyone. And, really, it was pretty tame in that respect.

After a quick lunch, it was time to check out the World Showcase. Several panoramic movies of France and Canada, plus a Viking ship ride through Norway and we'd basically covered the whole place.

The day was wasn't too hot or too cold, there was a slight wind, and my nose ran all day long. Felt like allergies and the pollen reports reinforce that diagnosis. At noonish the space shuttle Discovery touched down back at the Space Center's runway. It was a very good day, overall.

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