Saturday, March 12, 2011

St. Augustine and Caravan Crud

Our stay in St. Augustine began with dinner at Barnacle Bill's Seafood Restaurant. Larry and I had the Mahi Mahi and it was delicious. We took home half to have another night.

Friday morning, bright and early, I should say COLD and WINDY and bright and early, we made our way downtown to the Mission's parking lot to catch the Red Train for our tour of Historic St. Augustine. We took Art and Pat Fischer with us as our passengers for the day - and a very long day it was.

After our initial tour, we got back on the train and made our way downtown where we got off to find the cinnamon buns. Delicious! We then made our way further downtown to the winery for a tour, which we took - but skipped the tastings due to overcrowding at the table. The quilt shop was right across the street and so was lunch at Carmelo's Pizza. When we reunited with the truck it was time to journey out to see Dave and Vickie Buttleman, who stay with friends at their acreage near our RV Park. They wanted us to see their church, some springs and have dinner at the Elks Club. We did it all.

Saturday morning we went downtown very early with Pat and Art again. We needed to get a parking space early due to the town's first St. Patrick's Day Parade. Saw the parade and if my brain weren't so stuffed up from my cold I'd probably have some comments to make. They'll have to wait.

The museum where the parade began is located in an old hotel - the Alcazar. It's full of very ornate items and collectibles. Not my style at all, but I know people who do have that style...

Did I mention we walked there because the Red Train was not running due to the parade. Since we found ourselves on King Street, not far from the aforementioned winery and quilt shop and pizza shop - we revisited each of them. Then we waited and waited - and waited - for the train to pick us up for our return trip so we could get another train to take us to the waterfront for our boat ride. Eventually the Black Train came and our tickets were also good for it, so we hopped on. It was proving itself to be a very slow ride, so we all made an executive decision to hop off at the waterfront and wait there for the group to arrive. Good Choice! We'd have missed the boat otherwise.

Nice cruise and the weather was great today as well. At its conclusion we again took off walking, not wanting to wait another 20 minutes for either the Red or Black train to arrive. So, we walked first to the Visitors' Center and then the Seafood Festival where we sampled Winn Dixie's seafood specialties. We'll have to try them again sometime. We still had Barnacle Bill's leftovers to eat, so then headed back to the RV Park. I'd also had enough of my runny nose, so we took off for some OTC meds to alleviate my symptoms. Time change to Daylight Savings tonight!

As for the Caravan Crud, several caravaners picked up bacterial bugs while on the cruise ship. Illnesses of one kind or another have been making their way through the ranks and today we lost another couple - VJ and Herbert.

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