Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Umatilla and Mt. Dora

The drive on Monday to Umatilla was fairly uneventful for us - but not for Nora and Frank Guros.
They arrived with a badly dented trailer and they didn't even know it! The best we can conclude is that it was hit by a not-so-high-flying bird, as evidenced by the feather left behind.

We had an indoor cookout that night and the crew did a fine job of feeding the crowd; we had lemon chicken, Elain's cherry jello salad, green salad, dinner rolls and various cookies for dessert.
After dinner the usual suspects played Joker. Girls won all the games at both tables!

Tuesday, March 15, was our trip to Mt. Dora. We split into two groups for the local trolley ride and united as one large group for lunch in between the two tours. We drove in with Bob and Elaine early and did a bit of window shopping and bakery buying before lunch. At lunchtime we congregated on the large porch and settled ourselves into the wooden rocking chairs to await the Trolley folks. As they dismounted the Trolley and began making their way up the hotel's brick stairway, Sue Wendt took a spill and fell back down the stairs. She was slightly hurt and got a bandage for her knee, but then we all noticed Sue Booker down on the sidewalk holding her hand over her right eye, bleeding profusely from some wound. Sue W's camera had flown off her wrist and nailed Sue B. just over her eyebrow. I had my endless supply of tissues (thanks to my recent allergy attacks) and felt it my duty to offer them. Donna Larson had things under control at Sue B's end. The paramedics were called and she was hauled off to receive stitches and scans, "just in case" something was more serious. At this point, I was realizing the full effect of all this and had to lie down flat to allow my blood pressure to readjust itself and enter my head again. What a scene we all made! I did recover in time for lunch, of course! I know the drill after all these years of dealing with it off and on.

Back at the RV Park, Sue B. came back around 5:00 with 8 stitches in her forehead just over her right eyebrow. Ed was in the trailer during all this, battling his bout of the caravan cold and upper respiratory woes.

The night's entertainment was one of the entertainers from the Florida State Rally, Cahal Dunne. Much was the same as Sarasota, but he added a lot to the night's performance and we were one happy crowd. Larry even talked with him during the break and mentioned that many of us had seen him in Sarasota and L. also requested Danny Boy. He also sang one of our favorite songs from the Newfoundland Caravan - Fields of Athonrye. I'll have to look up the accurate spelling.

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