Sunday, March 27, 2011

More from the Florida Keys

Sunday we returned early to Key West so we could see more and take the glass bottomed boat tour.

We got onto the noon tour and set out for the barrier reefs to view coral and fish. Only two varieties of fish were visible at the destination location - and we got an extensive description of the coral and why we should never never touch it, but that was about it. They definitely should not have shown a video on board of many varieties of colorful fish! The contrast between the video and the reality was great.

I got new flip flops and a KW silver bracelet. I'm quite lucky that Key West's initials are the same as mine. After the cruise, we ate square shrimp tacos on Greene Street and then went across the street to share a piece of Key Lime Pie. It was very good, but mine are just as good - if I do say so, myself!

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