Monday, September 3, 2012

Friday, August 10 Killarney

After breakfast at the Granville, several of the group took off to see Reginald's Tower and I took off to do more window shopping, since most stores were not yet open.    Then it was time for the minibus to GO.

We followed the southern coast of Ireland via Dungarvan and Youghal to Midleton.  There we visited the Midleton Distillery, one of Ireland's main Jameson Distilleries.

Continuing toward Cork, we visited the legendary Blarney Castle.  It was very hard for me to pass by the Woolen Mill, just a short distance away.  I almost told them to drop me off there and pick me up later!

But, when in Ireland one visits and "kisses" the Blarney Stone.  It was not as I'd imagined.  We had to climb numerous steps to the top of the castle and then wait in line for our turn.  We then lay down on our backs and lean our heads back and "kiss" the stone.  It's not a rock,  but a part of the castle wall.  Then we are helped up (the helper is sometimes tipped, but poor Margie ended up wrenching her knee being "helped" up.

After a lunch break (I forget where) we entered the ancient Kingdom of Kerry and beautiful Killarney.  The Ross Hotel was probably my favorite!  After getting our luggage situated, we took off to see the sights.  I'd been misinformed that there was a woolen mill nearby, so we set off to visit them.  Alas, they were only outlets, but we did see quite a bit of the area.

Dinner at the Ross and it was wonderful!  Whatever I had, it was really good!  Pasta, I think.

Saturday, August 11

Breakfast at the Ross.  Buffet - and then they took our orders for extra breakfast.  I had the Ross omelet and it was yummy!  Larry had French toast, I think.

Off to Dingle Peninsula, the westernmost tip of Ireland.  The locals in Dingle town are fond of saying "The next parish west is Boston"!  Dingle is classified as a Gaeltacht, a region where the government subsidizes the survival of the Irish language and culture.

Leaving Killarney we headed west to Kilorglin and Castlemaine, then turned into the peninsula.  Our first stop was at Inch, where Ryan's Daughter was filmed on the beach.  Joan and I bought beige hoodies with Ireland written on the front in camouflage patchwork.  It was considered to be a fairly nice day, so the locals were out enjoying the weather.  They take what they can get!

After arriving in Dingle, we all took off in different directions, some seeking food and others seeking souvenirs.  Larry and I mostly window-shopped.

After leaving Dingle town we traveled over Connor Pass, the highest road in Ireland.  Great scenery!  At the summit there were views of bays, peat bogs and rocky, rugged country.  From the pass we descended to Brandon Bay on the opposite side of Dingle.  Following the coastline we arrived in Tralee, then returned to Killarney in the mid-afternoon.  More shopping!

Then it was time for our Jaunting Horse Cart ride with Michael as our guide.  I got the shotgun seat and it was a fine ride to and through the Killarney Lakes Park where Ross Castle is located.  Lots of photo opportunities and just a bit of drizzle.

Back to the hotel for another awesome dinner!

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