Monday, September 3, 2012

Just a Wee Glitch

While doing an excellent job in uploading all my several thousand photos onto iPhoto, I hit a snag.  A pop-up message all but ordered me to upgrade - NOW, so I did.  Disaster.  My complete library disappeared - after I had deleted all the photos from the chips in the cameras.

All is not lost, but this is a major snag.  I can retrieve them by buying a program that will "peel" them off the chips, since they never really disappear - and the problem with iPhoto is probably that the computer is not upgraded, but the iPhoto section is.  If I do not put the photos into trash - and then delete the trash, they're in there somewhere - waiting for me to figure out how to get them back again.

Most of the photos in the library (I'm embarrassed to tell you how many there really are) were long ago backed up onto disks.  There are LOTS of disks!  So, I will have to be patient until we get it all figured out.

Plus, we had company for 3 days and now I'm heading for Boise to help Mom and Sue move Mom into a retirement complex.  There's just NO TIME for anything!  Plus, I still have jet lag insomnia!

But, if I don't get at least the narration done, I will totally forget what we did, especially since I have few photos to remind me.


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