Monday, September 24, 2012

On to Scotland

Our two-hour ferry ride was on the agenda for today.  I spent most of my time (after the on-board breakfast - which Byron said was the most expensive of the trip) watching "You've Got Mail" in the movie room.  It was pretty foggy out, so seeing anything was difficult, although Larry managed.

Upon our arrival we traveled north via Ayr and Kilmarnock (Robert Burns country).  Through Glasgow via the Lowlands we then went into the Highlands.  Ireland is basically pretty flat, but Scotland was much more mountainous and rocky.  The Bonnie Bonnie Banks of Loch Lomond was our photo and lunch stop.  I think we took lots of pictures there.

Ft. William was our stop for the next two days and nights at the Alexandra Hotel.  Off we went to the Parade (shopping area) and it rained a bit if I correctly recall.

Day 2 (Saturday, August 18)

We experienced the Highlands of Scotland today.  Highland cattle was on the itinerary, although we told everyone to just come visit us and they'd see one at the first house on our road.  Then it was off to see the amazing Caldonian Canal.  The Highlands are cut in two by the Caledonian Canal.  Three lochs and a series of canals follow the Great Glen Fault.  Next we visited the ruins of Castle Inverlochy.

For the highlight of our day (according to Byron) we visited the Highland whiskey distillery of Ben Nevis to sample the "water of life" and learned how Scotch whiskey is made.  I already knew I do NOT like Scotch whiskey!   There were 3 hikers who happened by, looking for the trail into the mountains.

A shopping and lunch stop at a woolen outlet and then we returned to the hotel.  Many of the Harry Potter scenes were filmed in the Highlands near Fort William.

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