Monday, September 24, 2012

Tuesday - Pitlochery, The Highlands, The Firth of Forth

Leaving Inverness, we headed first to the village of Pitlochery.  Great stores and shops and we visited quite a few of them.  Larry took off to see a fish hatchery, I believe, while I did a lot of window shopping.  We found a bakery and picked up some provisions for lunch - a cheese scone.

The Roxburghe Hotel in Edinburgh was our destination.  After unpacking, we headed out!  Up to the castle area, Starbuck's, the book fair across the street in Charlotte Square (for me), etc.  I think this was my favorite city!  In the castle area I expected to see Harry Potter zooming around the corner on his broomstick at any time.

Tonight was our final exam.  "How many miles did the minibus travel?"  Larry placed 2nd.  Once again we did not get the prize.  That was won by John.  We'll have to keep on taking trips, I guess.

After dinner, it was time for a walk.  The castle lit up at night is a spectacular sight.

We made the most of our last day in Edinburgh.  Museums, art galleries, shops, churches, tour of the castle.  Every minute was filled and we didn't see if all.

Dinner was early and we then made our way to the castle for the Military Tattoo.  Now THIS was the trip's highlight - for sure!  Military bands from all over the UK, plus the U.S. Navy band.  It didn't rain, it wasn't too cold, and it was AWESOME.  Someday we'll get our pictures back and can see the videos again.  Plus, I'll try hard to get the actual DVD of the event when we return in October to Edinburgh.

Our favorite was the New Zealand percussion band.  They drummed very hard and very fast.  In fact, several lost their drumsticks, but apparently they had spares hidden in their uniforms because no hands appeared to be empty!

The next day - off to the airport.  Garry, Barbara, Gin and Sharon were heading on to London with Tom and Byron for a few more days of sightseeing.

We left for Newark and then San Francisco with Charlotte, with a very long layover in Newark.  Our scheduled plane was left in the hanger too long and was too hot to board.  Hours passed before they let us on.  When we finally all got on, then they decided to load our luggage!

However, we made friends of our fellow passengers and I even have a new FB friend, Tracy Sawyer, who was heading for Yosemite to meet up with her former fiance.

Shelby picked us up at the drop-off and pick-up spot in Santa Rosa and our journey was over.

Thanks to Byron (and Tom) for a great trip.  And, thanks to Byron for giving us such great notes (which I so gratefully COPIED).

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