Sunday, October 28, 2012

Day 2 in York

Before I go any further, I should explain just who Graham and Chris are.  We met them on our last cruise (to Panama) in March-April.  We'd asked for a table for 6 during our dinner hour and were seated with Diana and Ron Bray from St. Louis and Chris and Graham Harper from Chester, England.

It's pretty funny now to see the photo we took during our first dinner.  We all look very stiff and unrelaxed.  How things have changed since then.  Diana and Ron came to visit us in Sedalia, MO, last June during our Airstream rally and then again Labor Day weekend when they flew out to see us (and relatives).

We knew we were taking this tour of England and Scotland, but had no idea Graham and Chris would be able to make connections.  But, York wasn't too far from their home, so they drove over to spend the night and next day with us at the same hotel.  It was definitely one of the trip's highlights!

At 8:30 we met in the dining room for breakfast and then took off for a trip using the Hop On and Off bus.  Our first stop was the quilt museum (for me).  It was a one-woman exhibit and her work was quite modern and artistic.  Not the needleturn applique I'm used to.  But, it was interesting to see how she'd evolved over the years in her craft.

Then we checked out the trendy street called Shambles.  Chris remembered it from college, only said it was mostly jewelry stores back then.  I have to stop myself from spelling in the English way.  They add more letters to their words than we do.  I think it's jewellery.

We wanted to see the Jorvik (Viking) museum, but the lines were very long, so we continued on to the RR Museum.  It was huge and quite interesting.  Mid afternoon we had drinks & Larry and I split an apple crumble dessert.

Larry and I did a quick tour of the York Museum.  They have different exhibits from time to time and this one was about the ancient people and architecture.  Many statues and artifacts.

As it was nearing 4:00 (the time Jorvik's crowds were supposed to be diminished) we headed back and were able to walk right in.  They've done an excellent job with reenacting the village and its people back then.  The mannequins were almost lifelike.  When we saw a real human girl playing the lyre, I did a double take to make sure she wasn't a mannequin.

We weren't far from our hotel, so walked back and had our final dinner with Graham and Chris.  Until we meet again!

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