Sunday, October 28, 2012


Edinburgh to York today.  Brian took us the scenic way for part of the journey and we nearly got lost in the country.  But, we weren't too far from the freeway and soon we were on our way again.

As soon as we arrived at Lady Ann Middleton's and got our luggage up to our room, the phone rang.
Graham and Chris were here!  We rushed down to greet them and soon took off walking to see the town.  Chris had gone to college here, but that was over 40 years ago and she said things had changed a bit.

When we found the wall, we began walking all around the town.  It's the longest city wall in the world and quite impressive.  Some parts don't have barriers or railings, so we were sure to watch our steps.

York is also very beautiful in autumn and we took lots and lots of pictures.  Everything looked good!

Back to Lady Ann Middleton's for candy in the Harper's room, just across the way.  Chris also brought a huge plateful of marzipan candies for us - delicious!

We all changed for dinner, as there'd been a cancelation and Chris and Graham were able to fill in.

Gillian was honored for all her efforts and presented with gifts, mostly cat themed.

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