Saturday, October 27, 2012

Leaving London

We were scheduled to leave our hotel at 9:00, but Suzanne and Laraine were just a little late:  no clocks or watches!

Today's drive was to Worcester and upon our arrival we stopped in the city centre and then walked to the cathedral, where we were met byIPA members.  Poor Brian, our bus driver, almost got a ticket for parking in what he was told was the wrong place - despite the sign saying it was for buses!

We toured the cathedral and then shopped in the shopping area until 2:10 when we met back at the cathedral for a special service for law enforcement.   I was intrigued by the attractive hats worn by some of the ladies in the congregation.

After the service it was back on the bus and off to the police station for a photo op - with all of us in "Bobby" hats!

Finally we got to the Chateau Impney Hotel.  Gorgeous!  Our presence was immediately requested to say our farewells to Allen, who had to leave early.  So, we all met down in the lounge for drinks.

Dinner was at 7:00.  There was a carving station and buffet, which was excellent.  Tea and coffee followed in the lounge.

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