Sunday, October 28, 2012

LAST DAY October 23

October 23 was a driving day back to London.  Brian has done an outstanding job of driving us here, there and everywhere and we gave him a card (with poem by Gillian) and cash gift for his efforts.  He certainly added a lot to our enjoyment of the tour.

The day was also very foggy and overcast, like I'd expected England to be all the time (but wasn't).

It seemed to take forever to get there.  We had numerous rest stops and traffic was heavy.  Finally we got to London around 4:00.  No need to wait around for our rooms this time!  Up to the rooms to rest up for tonight's activities.

We discovered that this time our room was smaller and overlooked the train yards.  No worries; we have ear plugs!  And, we used them.

Not everyone attended the Yeoman Warder's Ceremony of the Keys, but those of us who did enjoyed it a lot.  We took a taxi there with Don and Caroline and Laraine - with all our taxis following in a row, since some didn't know exactly where we were headed.

We met at the gate with all the other attendees and a presenter who lives there greeted us and explained the rules.  He had a good strong voice and flair for the dramatic.  In gruesome detail he told of the many beheadings throughout history.  The Tower of London has a very illustrious (and bloody) past.  Many bodies are buried here, there and everywhere - especially in the chapel, which is still in use today for Sunday services.

When we finally got to their pub we were given a buffet dinner and many purchased drinks and bought raffle tickets (no winners in our group, sadly).

The night began with some mist, but was very mild and clear.  Visitors from all over the world were there and much visiting took place.

To get back we hailed a taxi on the main street and went back to the Union Jack for our final night in London (sleep).

We left shortly before 9:00 on Wednesday morning for Heathrow, being picked up by the same taxi driver we had upon our arrival two weeks before.

Our plane ride from Heathrow to SFO was relatively smooth and uneventful, just the way we like it.
I watched 4 movies:  Bucket List, Drop Dead Gorgeous (hilarious tale of small town Minnesota beauty pageant), Mean Girls and the Vow.  Plus a London concert by Adele and countless games of Bedazzled.

When we finally got back to Santa Rosa via Airporter shuttle, the girls were waiting for us.  We had a celebration for Larry's upcoming birthday with wine and German Chocolate Cake and visited as much and fast as we could.  The best part of a trip is coming home to our little darlins!

While we were gone, Roxy had retrieved all our lost Ireland and Scotland pictures from our chips.  I am eternally grateful!

The laundry is now done and I have spent MUCH time getting this blog written - before we take off again.  We have many happy memories and cherish our new friends.  See you down the road.

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