Sunday, October 28, 2012

Edinburgh, October 17 (Happy Birthday, Shelby)

We left Worcester after 8:30 (had to round up a few stragglers) and it was freeway driving all the way.

The "back of the bus" passengers concentrated on finding the women's names on the Eddie Strom...something... trucks without much luck.  Gillian had told us that each truck had the name of a woman painted on its front and that people tried to spot and collect them all.  One woman was successful in naming each one and the location where she saw it.  She got a big prize for her efforts.

We decided it was a trick used by parents to keep their children occupied.  Hmmmmm.  Maybe Gillian was using it on us!  The back of the bus is becoming more and more popular.

We stopped at a travel stop and got Starbucks and I grabbed a couple of crafts magazines.  I love their crafts magazines, as many of them come with free goodies.

It's raining as we arrived at Gretna Green for lunch.  Served cafeteria style, we got haddock, black forest cake for Larry and a scone (much too dry) for me.  I've become spoiled, as those scones at the Wedgewood Factory high tea were outstanding!

At one of the shops we found a DVD of the 2012 Tattoo and bought it.  Only 32 pounds!  We're still trying to justify it.  Translated into dollars, that's a whole lot of money for a DVD.

Jim and Claudia also took the opportunity to "get married".  This was a popular spot for weddings, especially for young runaway couples.  Because of its history, it's still a popular spot for weddings.
Being a leap year baby (she's a day younger than I am) Claudia turned 16 this year, so she was an obvious candidate for the performance.  Mary Lou was Mother of the Bride and Brian was a very fine Father of the Bride (complete with shotgun).  We were all witnesses - and photographers.

The weather was drizzly when we arrived in Edinburgh.  After getting our room, Larry and I took a walk to familiarize ourselves with the area.  The Point (our hotel) is on the opposite side of the castle from the Roxburgh, where we stayed in August.  We skipped dinner because of the huge lunch.

The room comes complete with earplugs, which we both used.  It's a noisy place, both inside and out - but our room's large window looks out upon the castle.

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