Sunday, October 28, 2012

October 20, Rosslyn Chapel, Glenkinchie Distillery

Rosslyn Chapel was our first destination of the day.  It's claim to fame is that the last 15 minutes or so of The DaVinci Code was filmed here.  It's constructed from sandstone and they're trying to preserve it as best they can.  No photography is allowed inside as it is supposedly a safety hazard.  So, any pictures you see of the chapel were taken from outside.  I took mine through a window and Larry took his through an open door.

From there we went to town at the Roslyn Hotel.  They weren't ready for us, so we moved to the lounge until they were.  After lunch we did some shopping across the street in some of their very charming little shops.  I bought a CD of Scottish music for Larry's birthday present.

Glenkinchie Distillery was next on our list.  It's in a beautiful setting and they do a good job with the tour.  Much of it is self-guided and then we were divided into two groups for the guided part.

Of course we had to sample the Scotch Whiskey at the end of the tour.  I will never like Scotch Whiskey!

Back at the hotel, Larry and I went to an Italian restaurant and split a pizza for our dinner.  Tomorrow we leave for York.

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