Saturday, August 1, 2009

Deer Lake

We've had many adventures during the past week. After Rocky Harbour and Gros Morne National Park we drove far North to St. Anthony.

Our first night's dinner was at the Great Viking Feast. The food was good and we caravaners provided most of the entertainment. Larry Jones and Gracie Buchanan were brought before the court on charges. Larry's was that he deliberately fed an ant to a pitcher plant, which then digested it. He also walked on the bog after Lorna, the naturalist, told him not to do so. Gracie's crime was her continual use of the Canadian word, EH? They both survived the punishments and we all had a good time at their expenses.

Icebergs were in the area, so we spent a great deal of time chasing them. Unless they're grounded, they don't stay in one place.

Monday 12 couples took off for Labrador for the day. Our ferry boat was in St. Barbe - about a 2 hour drive from our RV park, so we left early to catch the 10:30 boat. Even saw a whale on the way. Thankfully, we had a beautiful sunshiny day. Chuck was our driver while on Labrador and we went up to Red Bay and visited the Point Amour Lighthouse. There wasn't much time for anything else. On the way back home we saw several moose and got some great pictures.

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