Friday, August 28, 2009

St. Johns - The End of the Lind

What a caravan this has been and it's almost over. The past few days have been a whirlwind of activity. During the entire caravan everyone has tried to do and see as much as possible. At the last few stops there has been a lot to see and do.

After we returned from Woody Island we still had to visit the Bonavista peninsula and the striped lighthouse, puffins, Random Passage filming site, Trinity, etc. Did it. Loved the tour of the Random Passage set. The puffins were adorable and the striped lighthouse was pretty cute. And, best of all, Hurricane Bill fell apart and we only had a bit of wind and quite a lot of water.

But, then it was off to Clark's Beach, so it didn't affect us much. Our first night there we had a nice dinner at the Canadian Legion and learned that Nancy, our resident shopper and bead jewelry artist extraordinaire had won the lottery - to the tune of $100,000. She and Sarge are very happy campers and we are all thrilled for them. We all feel that the only way we could be happier is to win it for ourselves!

My favorite part of Clark's Beach was the town of Brigus, right next door. Such a quaint and charming place, not to mention that one of our favorite meals was eaten there. Cod chowder and blueberry crisp. Especially the blueberry crisp - with blueberry sauce and blueberry ice cream! Heavenly...

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